Const usage
usage: string = `Usage:mongover <command> [<args>] [<options>]Commands:init [<specPath>] [<options>]- initializes a new Mongover Specification.SYNOPSIS$ mongover init [<specPath>] [-f dir|-f json]ARGUMENTS<specPath> path to mongover specification. Defaults to current working directory.OPTIONS-f or --format specifies Mongover Specification format, choose between 'dir' and 'json'. Defaults to 'dir'.extract [<specPath>] [<options>]- Extracts the Mongover Specification of an existing MongoDB Server and initializes a new Mongover Specification with it.SYNOPSIS$ mongover extract [<specPath>] [-u "<uri>"] [-d <dbName>[,...] [-c <collectionName>[,...]]] [-f dir|-f json] [-e jsonl|-e json|-e no [-q "<query>"]] [-i <infoCollection>] [--socketTimeoutMS <milliseconds>]ARGUMENTS<specPath> path to mongover specification. Defaults to current working directory.OPTIONS-u or --uri specifies the uri of the running mongod or mongos. Defaults to 'mongodb://'.-d or --dbs specifies which databases are to be extracted.-c or --collections specifies which collections are to be extracted. Defaults to all collections in specified databases.-f or --format specifies Mongover Specification format, choose between 'dir' and 'json'. Defaults to 'dir'.-e or --export specifies if data from the MongoDB Server should also be exported, choose between 'jsonl', 'json' and 'no'. Defaults to 'no'.-q or --query specifies a filter which data to be exported from the MongoDB Server.-i or --info specifies the collection name of the database information. Defaults to '_info'.--socketTimeoutMS specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds. Defaults to '3600000'.apply [<specPath>] [<options>]- applies the current Mongover Specification to the MongoDB Server.SYNOPSIS$ mongover apply [<specPath>] [-u "<uri>"] [-d <dbName>[,...] [-a <alias>[,...]]] [-c <collectionName>[,...]] [-s] [-m] [-i <infoCollection>] [--socketTimeoutMS <milliseconds>]ARGUMENTS<specPath> path to mongover specification. Defaults to current working directory.OPTIONS-u or --uri specifies the uri of the running mongod or mongos. Defaults to 'mongodb://'.-d or --dbs specifies which databases to apply. Defaults to all databases in the Mongover Specification.-a or --alias specifies the aliases of the specified databases to apply, a database will use the alias corresponding to its index separated by commas.-c or --collections specifies which collections to apply. Defaults to all collections in specified databases.-s or --seedOnly specifies if mongover should only seed the database instead of migrating it when it already exists.-m or --migrateForce specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is lower or the same.-i or --info specifies the collection name of the database information. Defaults to '_info'.--socketTimeoutMS specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds.`.trim()